My Writings

Welcome to My Writings!
Inside are stories of people who want to sing and grow beyond their edges. There are stories of the magic and wonder of singing and expression, and, what gets in the way of it.
Make a cup of coffee, take your time and have a peek into my world.

Victim, Rescuer, Perpetrator The Good, the Bad & The Ugly
Why is this important in singing you might ask? Well just to say that anything that takes over your energy field and cripples it blocks the natural voice from flowing freely and effortlessly. Life—your life, my life, our lives—is full of experiences that activate deeply ingrained patterns, often running unchecked for an entire lifetime.

The Power of the Singer’s Field of Energy
There was something in her presence, an energy field around her that made me feel as if I already knew her. And she felt the same about me.
We stood together, exchanging a few words, but mostly, we simply recognized each other. Our energy bodies sizzled and connected in a way that needed no explanation.

Is Love All We Really Need? Or…
Every chakra carries a shadow, and the sacral chakra’s shadow is guilt—the feeling that stops us in our tracks. The belief that we are somehow guilty and not worthy of asking for what we need. But this Valentine’s, I invite you to ask. Ask for what you need. Ask for what you want. Begin by feeling this need in your belly. Start by taking a few breaths into the belly and really focusing on the words, ‘what do I need right now?’
When we honour our needs, we create the foundation for a truly open heart. Because if the heart is open without the belly’s grounding, we slip into pleasing others at our own expense. And that, in time, leads to resentment, frustration, and a deeper shutdown of the body’s energy and especially this sacral centre.

The Voice Holds The Key
I trust the process. I’ve seen it happen time and time again. This is natural. It’s beautiful. It’s evolutionary. It’s vital. This untwisting—this liberation of the energy trapped within us—is desperate for the light of a new day.
I’ve witnessed what happens when that energy, that ferocity, that desire for survival and light, begins to fight its way to freedom.
There’s a battle for true freedom, and it’s necessary to release what we’ve been holding inside.

Singing Takes Guts
It’s nothing short of magical to witness a student release a block in their voice that’s been with them their entire life. To see the shift in their face, their body, their entire presence—it’s like watching them come alive for the first time. Their voice transforms, and with it, something deep inside them awakens. It’s a beautiful, raw moment of liberation that never gets old.

Embracing The Darkness - Time to go Within
As the days grow shorter and we approach the darkest time of the year on the 21st of December, there’s a quiet, almost sacred pull within me—a longing to settle into the embrace of the darkness. I’ve always wondered why this time of year feels so magical, as if the darkness holds me gently, inviting me to pause, to breathe, to simply be. There’s something about the angle of the sun, the softness of the winter light, and the sparkle of snow that invites me to turn inward and find stillness. I can rest and recharge here in this darkness and allow all that is here, to be all that it is.

Your voice can show you the way!
I’m always amazed by how much the singing voice can teach us about living in a more balanced, harmonious way.
When I’m teaching workshops or lessons, it’s such a gift not to feel like I need to know more than what I know in that moment, because the voice itself becomes the teacher, guiding me forward.

Shame Storms, Passion & Other Hidden Treasures
When we were excited and burst out of ourselves, or when someone (out of the goodness of their heart) told us we shouldn’t sing, or when we were laughed at in school, we felt something deep.
These imprints from what I call the ‘Just Like When World’ can create a tidal wave of beliefs and safety nets designed to protect us from ever experiencing that humiliation again.

Singing through the years…
I recently watched a video on Instagram showing women exercising, doing yoga etc. The narrator said something to the effect -'Instead of exercising, lifting weights, doing yoga etc., to get a tight booty, great abs, to look fit and younger, do it so you can pick up your grandchildren when you're older.’
I also feel this way about singing. Improve your voice and sing for the simple joy of singing yes, but as you age sing to release the stress of life so you slow down the aging process.

Music to my Ears
This week, I had the pleasure of teachingThe Natural Voice in Gibsons, BC, to a group of women who were experiencing this approach for the first time.
Many of them had backgrounds in choirs or theatre, while others came simply to explore and open to new concepts in singing.

This Kind of Love
We all share a common human struggle with letting go of control. As a voice teacher, I’ve found that the essence of my work revolves around guiding students to release this control, bit by bit, note by note—much like taking toys away from children.

The Sound that Grounds…Is the Ground that Sounds
Where do you feel your voice, not just hear your voice but feel it? Does it bring you more deeply into your body, and into the moment?

Healing Journey - One Note at a Time
And so I sat myself in a comfortable chair for hours at a time and each time I sat I felt like I was being transported into a kind of mystery school where I was learning all about the impacts of vibration through sound and singing.
I learned about the importance of using my mind to hone and focus into my body and allowing this focus to penetrate through painful sensations and feelings in my body.

Just Listen
In a world where we all want everything right now in the fastest possible ‘Amazon’ way please and thank you, just what is the fastest way to become aware of the present moment?
Is it by noticing your breath? Feeling your body or by noticing your thoughts?
While all of these are great ways to become present, another way to enter the moment is by listening to the sounds around you and to connect the energy of what you are hearing.
Reflections from connections…

Part 1 - Receiving the Voice
To fully embody our voice is to embrace receptivity—to embody our wholeness and the demand the voice makes of us in order to realize the beauty and depth of who we truly are.

Carving Space & Shedding Skins
And I don’t mean the kind of space that you get from sitting in a cave in a mountain or in a meditation hut that you’ve built in your home, but the kind of space that is with you all the time even when you’re busy doing what you do in your life.
Really free singing can be the way-shower for a whole new way of being in the world because the resonant voice is the tangible evidence of this space that has opened up.

The Middle Way - Balancing Light & Dark
Learning to bring both energies of dark and light, personal and impersonal, masculine and feminine, structure and flow together as one natural way of living, is no small task.
The buddhists call this The Middle Way.
This is the work the singing voice has the potential to actualize within us if we so choose because of the nature of balance that has to occur within the tone of the voice in order for a voice to be beautiful.

Do you lower your voice to sound more confident?
I was speaking on the phone with a potential student and she shared with me how her voice was hurting because for a time she was speaking lower than normal in order to feel more confident. She says ‘lowering my voice seems to reassure my colleagues and at the time I felt they needed me to be that for them - to be strong and sound more masculine.’

The Sword of the Voice - The Tongue
Activating this clear power of truth through the study of singing is a beautiful path and to speak direct and clear in the moment when it is necessary is very, very healing.
The voice delivers the power of the word and the tongue is the sword that shapes this power.
"The sound that grounds is the ground that sounds."