Healing Journey - One Note at a Time
A long time ago in a land far, far away I started to sing into my body as opposed to sing outwards to an audience. I turned inward towards and down into myself.
I had been performing for years as a lead singer, recording and touring artist. As time marched on I started to feel I was out of myself and far away from my voice. I knew this because my body, my voice and my heart were all suffering from a great depletion, no energy, a lot of body pain and depression. I was pushing my voice more and more and the stress was killing me.
And so, in this land that was long ago and far away I turned towards myself with the medicine of my voice and what I felt turned everything on its head and would change my life’s course dramatically.
I had tried everything before then to turn my circumstances around - talk therapy, body therapy, many different types of massage, cranio sacral, etc, you name it I tried it. Those are all excellent modalities of healing and recovery and they were a part of mine but turning towards myself with my own voice changed everything was my own voice into my own body, one note at a time.
And I mean one note at a time with nothing in-between but silence and space and well likely a down pour of tears from me, oh blessed was the down pouring as parts of me fell away.
It was the simplest thing to do - let one quiet note go down into my body and simply watch it, hear it and feel it go on its merry journey within me.
And by the way it wasn’t a beautiful note, or one filled with resonance and glory! No it was weak and kind of nothing, but, as I learned it was healing because it was mine and it was for me.
Also the notes didn’t go on for a long time, they were only a couple of seconds, but because I was so lazer focussed on where I was aiming for the note I sang or moaned sent the right dose to the right area of my body.
I found that the real work to help the notes land inside of me was really feeling where I hurt or was numb before I sang, actually it works both ways - feel then sing, sing then feel. I played with it all.
And so I sat myself in a comfortable chair for hours at a time and each time I sat I felt like I was being transported into a kind of mystery school where I was learning all about the impacts of vibration through sound and singing.
I learned about the importance of using my mind to hone and focus into my body and allowing this focus to penetrate through painful sensations and feelings in my body.
It felt so good to feel myself waking up one note at a time. And believe me it took time, a lot of time but every voice healing session helped to feel better and better and kept me going for a few days.
At the time I learned how to dose myself with drops of vibration and I would know when I was as I now say, ‘flooding myself with vibration,’ or, ‘starving myself of vibration.’
This healing of my voice was just for me and no-one else was listening, no audience, just me and finally that was enough for me.
As this slow and laborious process went along I knew somewhere inside of me that there was a reason for this and that others were suffering just like I was and that I would help them.
I started to integrate what I was learning into my teaching and my students were in awe of the healings they were feeling in their body and their voice.
Over the years I have changed the name of my work from - Express Yourself to the Voice Connection and then to Voice Connections, The Authentic Voice, Your Sacred Voice into what I call it now, The Natural Voice.
A sound evolution if there ever was one. This work is so simple it takes you off guard, we are complex creatures and have a hard time taking things that are simple seriously.
But believe you me this is serious work and take it from me I know this first hand.
If you have any strange illness’ or have tried many ways to heal maybe a vibrational voice healing is just the right thing for you to get your flow back and feel good in your body.
It will change your life too, just saying.