The Power of the Singer’s Field of Energy
I remember being at a friend’s party once and being surrounded by people that I didn’t know very well, drifting through conversations. At some point in the evening a woman and I started moving toward each other. It was as if an invisible thread was pulling us together. Before we even spoke, we knew we were both singers, it was like meeting someone who spoke the same secret language as me.
There was something in her presence, an energy field around her that made me feel as if I already knew her. And she felt the same about me.
We stood together, exchanging a few words, but mostly, we simply recognized each other. Our energy bodies sizzled and connected in a way that needed no explanation.
Even when we weren’t speaking, I could feel her presence wherever she moved in the room. We didn’t need to become lifelong friends. We didn’t need anything more than to acknowledge that we understood each other in a way that most people don’t.
Because we had both taken the time—the care—to open ourselves through our voices. To let our singing unravel and expand our hearts, our minds, and our connection to something greater.
We knew each other.
In my voice classes, a deep bond forms among us.
Not one built on shared pasts.
Not one built on wounds.
But one woven from the energy field we create together—lovingly, carefully.
I may not know the details of these women’s lives.
I may not know their histories.
But I know them.
The world can be careless.
And we, too, can become careless—
because we might not have not been cared for.
But if you are a singer, you understand the devotion it takes to nurture your voice.
You understand what it takes to have to go to places within you to free your voice.
My classes teach a different kind of stitching.
A stitching between people.
A silent, powerful weaving—one that heals whatever stands in the way.
So that we may truly know one another,
See one another,
And be seen.