The Natural Voice Workshops & Events

The voice is a reflection from your connection.
Heal your connection, heal your voice.
— Anna Beaumont

An excerpt of Anna’s music video ‘Keep Walking.’

‘Keep walking though there’s no place to get to, but don’t try to see through the distances that’s not for us to see.

Move within, move within, but don’t move the way that fear makes you move, keep walking, keep walking.

Let the beauty we love be what we do, there are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground…’

Upcoming Workshops to Uncover your voice and help you Awaken!

The Voice & Body Connection- Barrhead, AB

October 5th, 2024

1:00 - 400pm To register please contact Karen at Health For Success (780) 271-7003

A voice workshop to open to the vibrational medicine within you by linking the voice to the body and the body to the voice.

The singing exercises are simple and designed for everyone and not just singers. If you can speak you can access your beautiful healing vibration in you.

Through this integration of voice and spirit, you can discover new dimensions of expression and resonance in your singing practice.

Join me in Gibsons to connect to your voice in a whole new way.

Open & Free Your Natural Voice

Edmonton, AB

October 19th, 2024

1-3pm / $25

A Voice & body alignment workshop to release your voice from your body and embrace the effortlessness of your natural voice.

-Vocal exercises to uncover your voice.

-Chants from the poetry of Rumi to sing, feel & connect to your whole body.

To register - Please email transfer $25 to

Singing works wonders

- Mind, Body & Spirit

The workshop experience is more than you even imagined, as well as meditation, singing and gentle movement it is also an adventure into the unknown.  As you and those around you begin to connect more deeply to your Being, the magic really starts to happen.  

Mind – Meditation & Stillness to bring calm and stillness back to the body. 

Body – Gentle movements to develop subtle body awareness to your body and to help release stress.  Experience the sound of your voice vibrating inside of your body and feel alive!  

Spirit – Connecting together in community to sing songs that help you to drop into your natural flowing body and to remind you of who you really are once more.

Come & Play!

People come to voice workshops to learn to sing and to connect to their bodies in a whole new way.

Mostly, they come to claim the right to play in their lives again. To feel themselves singing in front of others and to join a community of others who are also looking to play and have fun.

To play and trust yourself to sing! Play and improvisation and being flexible is what the workshops are all about.

They are also about learning to open to your voice and to soften and let go.

We can really listen and learn when we can trust and play with each other like kids on the playground.

When we allow the natural vital energy of play to move our body the nervous system switches us from a reactionary world to a world of comfort and trust.

This might take some rewiring and some untwisting but it's worth it. We all deserve to feel comfortable in the act of play in and on the playground in order to rebuild trust and broken connections.

And for the record singing is the greatest play there is.

Photo taken at the Wilderness Lodge on the Sunshine Coast

Stay tuned for upcoming workshops!


1:1 Coaching


Voice Retreats