The Women’s Voice Network

Monthly online meetings to awaken your natural voice

Welcome to The Women’s Voice Network!

Join our monthly online meetings with women like you who seek to unlock their body's natural power through the use of their singing voice. It’s a journey worth taking.

The Women’s Voice Network is a monthly online meeting.

It's a two-hour session of connection, emotion, and energy, where you'll use your voice to ground and elevate yourself, guided gently by Anna's presence to rediscover your true self.

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Each meeting begins with a meditation and includes nearly two hours of gentle voice exercises, voice releases, alignment, and grounding. There’s also a Q&A session where Anna will work directly with you to help identify and address any obstacles.

Tickets are available below.

Date & Time for The Women’s Voice Network

TBA | 11am - 1pm MDT | $35 CAN

Online with Zoom - link will be sent via email after payment

Your guide, Anna Beaumont, is a skilled voice expert who navigates the realms of energy and consciousness, helping you to uncover what keeps your voice tethered and stuck.

Anna is a master at helping people to let go of what’s in the way and uses the singing voice as the medium and guide to unlock their inner potential and emotional freedom.

Through her unique approach, she helps individuals access deeper layers of their consciousness, release trapped emotions, and find clarity and peace.

These 2 hour Women’s Voice Network sessions will blend vocal techniques with intuitive insights, creating a transformative experience that allows each person to rediscover their true self and embrace their natural voice.

The Natural Voice methodologies are a culmination of years of Anna’s studies in the fields of psychology, spirituality, voice training, the nervous system and the rich philosophies of the kundalini/chakra system.


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