The Open Road & The Passionate Voice
There’s nothing like the feeling of driving on your own in the car and singing along to your favorite song.
The sun is behind you, the road is ahead of you and you have time just for you to be.
You are in the in-between space of having no other responsibilities other than the road ahead of you.
Your voice feels so good as you sing and the tunes just keep flowing. You’ve found that sweet spot that seems to only happen when you’re in the car on your own and you find this beautiful space. There’s nothing like the feeling of you loving the sound of your own voice and enjoying the music, it’s heaven.
Why can’t I have this feeling and connection to my voice all the time?
What are the conditions that were created in order for the voice to feel so good?
Space and relaxation.
A momentary letting go of responsibilities.
A focus on one thing - the road.
How can you create this for yourself in other arenas of your life so this space and relaxation is more easily available to you?
What are the factors that come into play that block this space and relaxation?
Let’s break this down one condition at a time.
1. Space and relaxation.
When we are driving in the car and the conditions are perfect and clear there is a coming together of all of the above.
Driving forces us to focus on the road therefore releasing other responsibilities that press in on us in our every day lives.
This focus forward also brings a narrowing of the vision which helps to create a feeling of safety and relaxation.
There is also an awareness of the space around us as we check the rear view mirror, the left and the right to make sure our space is clear.
This constant checking and then returning back to our focus forward is perfect for allowing a feeling of space and relaxation to open within us.
Then we sing and oh my the voice just somehow seems to work! Presto! There are many reasons for this.
2.A momentary letting go of responsibilities.
Being responsible is of course important in life, but there is a tipping point whereby responsiblity takes over the energy field and we become Over-Responsible.
This over-responsible way of living has been modelled to us in our family and in society as a model for how to be in life.
This energy is ‘oh so responsible’ for getting things done, taking care of people, working hard and for being an upstanding citizen on the planet don’t you think?
And just to say that singing passionately is certainly not very responsible now is it?
The opposite polarity of responsibility is passion and when the road opens up before us and the music is turned up then the energy of passion can rise up inside of a safe container - the vehicle.
The singing voice needs this passionate energy to be fuelled up and out of the body.
We need this balance of responsibility and passion or life becomes one-sided.
3.A focus on one thing.
When we have to focus our vision forward on the road this focussing which is also taking into account a wide-angle lens of vision opens up the feeling of stillness within us and it is this stillness that brings about a feeling of safety to the whole body.
This feeling of safety opens up more space awareness which then mind expands into bringing more and more relaxation.
The body softens and it is then that this passion and good feelings have the space to be able to rise up.
And then we sing.
Try this exercise for finding your focus again -
When we lose our focus we lose our safety and then excessive movement take over the body space crushing the inner stillness and the ability to focus. This excessive movement of thought destabilizes the body as thoughts begin to crowd in losing even more inner space and awareness.
This domino affect topples over the present moment and wham we’re back in the past and lost in Over Responsibility. Ta da!
When you feel like this -
I don’t feel like it.
I’m tired.
I can’t focus.
I don’t know what I need.
I’m overwhelmed.
What do you need?
How do you find your focus and clarity again?
Not for the purpose of achieving or working, but for the purpose of being in the love and joy of the moment that’s only available now.
Your work can rise out of That.
Your passions can rise out of That.
Your care can rise out of That.
Your work does not create That but is held by That.
In light of This…to come back to That…
Finding Your Focus -
Find a focal point with your eyes and hold the world still.
Put your tongue up behind your upper teeth and press it until you feel your body stabilize.
Hold for 10 seconds.
Hold the flickering candle mind steady.
Rest. Look around. Breathe.
Repeat the above and add listening to the sounds around you.
Do it until you feel a natural breath rise up in your chest and you feel the clarity of the moment return.
Find mini moments in the day to find your focus and your stability by holding your flickering candle mind steady.💗
And then take a drive on the open road and put on your favorite song and let it rip!